Monday, 6 February 2017

Helping You to Become Parents

ICSI Treatment has helped couples where there is a significant male factor problem to achieve treatment success similar to those with other causes of subfertility. IMSI is a modification of the ICSI technique in which sperm samples are examined under a microscope that is almost 6000 times more powerful. This highly-magnified view may allow us to identify subtle sperm flaws that are not evident with a conventional ICSI microscope. Our embryologists examine defects within the sperm head as well as checking for more orthodox shape size and motility abnormalities. After the selection, the sperm is injected into the egg in precisely the same way as with the normal ICSI procedure.
  • Men who have high levels of DNA fragmentation
  • When there have been  repeated miscarriages
  • Where implantation hasn’t worked on numerous occasions following ICSI treatment
  • Where preceding embryos have developed poorly
  • When there’s a high number of sperm which is abnormal
  • Male partners over 40 years of age
  • Patients that have not achieved good quality embryos in preceding cycles
  • Patients with formerly unsuccessful treatment cycles
The treatment cycle is exactly the same as in ICSI treatment before and after egg collection. The only difference is that our embryologists use the IMSI procedure in the laboratory to select the sperm with the least flaws for the ICSI method which may increase the rate of success. For IMSI to be successful, it has to be done through experienced doctors because this increases the chances of impregnating the female.
Ponni Hospitals And Fertility Research Centre provide comprehensive healthcare especially focusing on infertility, obstetrics, and reproductive disorders. Our main objective is to provide this quality services at affordable cost.
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